Transgender Outreach

In 2022, St Columba's appointed Chrissie Chevasutt as our Outreach and Development Worker with Transgender, Intersex and non-binary people.

 In addition to working with individuals needing support, information and advice, the role also covers providing information and support to churches looking to strengthen their understanding of the issues and welcome to Trans and GNC people.

The role also includes contributing to reflection upon the issues of Gender Identity, Inclusion and Faith - and the exploration and laying of foundations for ongoing work in this field.

The initiative is rooted in the long standing work of St Columba’s United Reformed Church, Oxford, with a wide range of people in the LGBTI+ community.

The appointment was made for three years from January 2022.

Chrissie's contact details are on the Contact Us page.

What We Do

Holly and Chrissie smiling at the camera with a cup of tea and a notebook on the table between them

Pastoral Outreach

Contact Chrissie for support. 

Transgender Theology Conference

Oxford Di-Verse Poetry Festival

Transgender Theology Blog

The Team

Chrissie Chevasutt

Outreach and Development Worker with the Transgender, Intersex and Non-binary Community

Chrissie works full time at St. Columba's, providing pastoral care to individuals, as well as increasing transgender visibility by speaking at and putting on events. She is Catechist at Exeter College, Oxford, and author of ‘Heaven Come Down, The Story of a Transgender Disciple’.

Holly Taylor-Zuntz

Co-worker, Outreach and Development with the Transgender, Intersex and Non-binary Community.

Holly works part time for St. Columba's, assisting Chrissie with the everyday operations and communications of the outreach team, as well as organising our events program. As a singing leader, she brings her inclusive facilitation skills to the role. 

Read the latest blog post